Friday, May 2, 2008

Day by Day

This journey is a roller coaster...last week I was doing great this week not so great.
I am leaving to go on business for a week, which makes my other half stressed and depressed.
We went through a not so good time early last year, we had drifted apart. Luckily we realised and dragged the relationship back from the brink..but this scarred him deeply.

Now when I travel he can't get the thought out of his head that I will meet someone else and run off to be with them. Thus splitting up or family and devastating him.
This week had been tough on me he has been drinking a lot.

Also this week in the paper was the eulogy from the sister of the guy who took his own life last week (see post below). It was beautifully written, she is an alcoholic herself (she is and has been sober for a number of years now).
She writes how alcoholics are like hurricanes, tearing through the lives of others and leaving devastation and profound wounds..I am teary just writing these words ..
I felt so down last night and started thinking about my children, what if they have the same genes as cause this terrible disease?? How will I deal with my kids been alcoholics too..the thought just kills me.
Today is a new day, progress not perfection on my own AL-anon recovery gets me through day by day.