Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Back again

I have been off for a while, we went to visit our familes and recheck out our home towns.
It's been a while since we went back to the UK.

Went to my first meeting after our vacation, everyone at Al-Anon was happy to see me.
I think they were worried I wouldn't return.
My other half went to AA on Monday night, only to find out that one of the guy's there had hung himself.
He had left his home as usual, walking to his AA meeting...he never turned up.
Very very sad.

On the other side of that, I have been a lot calmer.
I have been going with the let go, let God slogan these past two weeks and it's done me good.
I hope it continues..we'll see. He is still drinking but I am dealing with it a lot better.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

meeting last night

I went to my weekly meeting last night, the chairperson's topic was acceptance.
Everyone had something to say about this topic and there was a bunch of great shares.

The one that really struck me is that acceptance is not condoning.
It's so true, I accpet my husband's drinking because I cannot control and change it...yet I do not condone it.

Another thing that someone mentioned to which I totally understood was "I am grateful for the alcoholics I met in my life..without them I would have not realised that my behaviour was wrong and needed changing".
That is also true for me, changing my behaviour in how I deal with these situations has made me take a good hard look at myself and my behaviour in general.

over and out..

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I did not realise how ill I had become, I attended my first al-anon meeting just a few weeks ago.

It had made me aware of my own sickness...the family sickness.

I had been living in denial for years about it, If I look back now I knew he was an alcoholic from day one. In search of my sanity and some serenity I turned to al-anon as a recommendation from a friend.
I had no idea what to expect, I thought I would turn up and they could just give me answers and then I would go away and get to control the situation...oh yes..I had much to learn!
Now I realise, there is no control..the best thing is to accept what is happening and control my own behaviour and detach from the controlling and screaming or silent behaviour I was throwing around.
I have to learn to love this man and seperate him from this disease and not hate him any longer.
